in contrast to teruo ishii of the same generation (he publicly declared that he hated actors from the new school of drama , and he often assuredly destroyed the flow of the film even if it was an entertaining movie ), okamoto was a director with the spirit of a true artisan and always sought refinement , dandy-ism , and well-made jobs , by using experienced actors like eijiro tono and eitaro ozawa , and other actors from shingeki (the new school of drama ), who were trained to pronounce the lines clearly . ベテランの東野英治郎、小沢栄太郎らも含め、台詞を明快に発音できる新劇出身の俳優を多く起用した点は、同世代の石井輝男(新劇俳優嫌いを公言し、娯楽作品でもしばしば確信犯的に破綻させた)と対照的であり、洗練とダンディ、ウェルメイドを至上とする職人監督であった。